Tuesday, November 4, 2008

IEP Prep Continues...

So I got a copy of Jaymes soon to be outdated IEP this morning, after much waiting and frustration. it's my own fault for losing the first copy I got last February, but geeze, why are these so hard to get additional copies of?

Here are his goals:

  • Jaymes will increase his expressive vocabulary by 50 words-He's getting there, but I don't think this one is met.
  • Jaymes will ask questions with 80% accuracy- Not met, he doesn't ask questions period.
  • Jaymes will put two and three words together with 80% accuracy- They say not met, I say in progress. He says "I eat" "eat horsies" "Want watch Elmo".
  • Jaymes will use "ing" words with 80% accuracy- Not met. He doesn't use any "ing" words at all.
  • Jaymes will use descriptive words with 80% accuracy- He uses color as a decription, but beyond that, nothing. Not met.
  • Jaymes will use pronouns with 80% accuracy- Not met. He uses "I" and "Me" but nothing else.
  • Jaymes will use possessives with 80% accuracy- In progress- he says "Mine" sometimes.
  • Jaymes will tell how objects are used with 80% accuracy- This is unrealistic, in my opinion and has no place on his IEP.
  • Jaymes will use a fingertip grasp on a pencil/crayon to participate in visual motor activities by 5/5/08 and will use a tripod grasp by 1/29/09- He got the fingertip grasp, but not by the goal date set and they do not consider it mastered. His OT outside of the school does, however. He is working on the tripod grasp and can do it some of the time.
  • Jaymes will imitate lines, circles, and other shapes using a variety of media by 1/29/09- He can draw circles on request, sometimes will do lines. No other shapes. Sort of met? Not quite? Bear in mind he has until the end of January to get that one, so he could (though I can't see it happening) meet that goal in time.
  • Jaymes will snip paper with scissors with assistance by 9/1/08- Goal met, very recently.
  • Jaymes will snip paper with scissors independently by 1/29/09- Not met.
  • Jaymes will follow all one step teacher commands 4/5 times- Mastered, per school. I agree.
  • Jaymes will follow related two step commands 4/5 times- Sometimes
  • Jaymes will participate in a large group activity for at least 10 minutes 4/5 times- Don't know. School doesn't say it's mastered, but they're always telling me how good he is in group so it's probably close to met.
  • Jaymes will participate in a small group activity for at least 5 minutes 4/5 times-Don't know. School doesn't say it's mastered, but they're always telling me how good he is in group so it's probably close to met.
  • Jaymes will remain on task for a nonpreferred activity until completion 4/5 times- School says mastered, I say in progress.
  • Jaymes will play appropriately with at least six novel closed ended toys 4/5 times- Met.
  • Jaymes will engage in simple pretend play at least once per day 4/5 times- He pretends to talk on the phone, does this count?
  • Jaymes will engage in turn taking activities with a peer for at least 6 turns 4/5 times- No way.
  • Jaymes will engage in cooperativeplay (ie. blocks/dressup) with a peer for at least 5 minutes 4/5 times-Nooooo way.
  • Jaymes will initiate interaction or play with a peer at least once per day 4/5 times- He always runs up, says hi, and wants to hold hands. Does this count?
  • Jaymes will understand verbs in context with 80% accuracy- He knows eat/go/sit/color
  • Jaymes will increase his receptive vocabulary by at least 50 words- Not met
  • Jaymes will recognize actions in pictures with 80% accuracy-In progress
  • Jaymes will understand several pronouns with 80% accuracy- Not met
  • Jaymes will understand the use of objects with 80% accuracy- He knows how to use everything!
  • Jaymes will understand part-whole relationships with 80% accuracy- I don't understand what this one means.
  • Jaymes will understand descriptive concepts with 80% accuracy- Not really...
  • Jaymes will understand quantity concepts with 80% accuracy- Not met.
  • Jaymes will identify colors with 80% accuracy- Met at home, apparently not at school
  • Jaymes will understand negatives in a sentence with 80% accuracy- Not met
  • Jaymes will identify big/little, empty/full, open/closed, wet/dry, hot/cold 4/5 times- He knows "open door/close door" does this count?
  • Jaymes will follow commands with and without objects that include the spatial concepts in/on/off/out/under/behind 4/5 times- In progress at Therapy, maybe not at school?
  • Jaymes will receptively identify at least 6 colors 4/5times- Met.
  • Jaymes will receptively identify at least 4 shapes 4/5times- He knows circle and star
  • Jaymes will attend to pictures in a book with teacher assistance 4/5 times- School says met, Jaymes tolerates this at therapy, not at home. Pretty well met.
  • Jaymes will rote count 1-10 4/5 times- He can't do that at home... He counts to 5 then the numbers get all mixed around.
  • Jaymes will count using 1:1 correspondence up to 5 objects 4/5 times- Not sure what this one means?
Now, I'm going to make some more appropriate goals to present to the folks at the IEP meeting. Hopefully we can make goals that are appropriate for Jaymes, and are attainable.

New goal ideas:

  • Jaymes will engage in back and forth conversation with peers (even if that conversation is mostly Jaymes babbling)
  • Jaymes will be able to answer personal questions: "What is your name, how old are you, how are you today?"
  • Jaymes will be able to ask questions to engage peers:"What is your name, do you want to play"
  • Jaymes will communicate his needs (need to go potty, need to eat, need new diaper)
  • Jaymes will request things using "I want ____"
  • Jaymes will use possessives (identify other's belongings as "his or hers", identify his own possessions as "my or mine")
  • Jaymes will demonstrate how objects work (rather than "explaining" per original goal)
  • Jaymes will be able to express emotions verbally (sad, angry, happy)
  • Jaymes will identify 6 shapes
  • Jaymes will use a tripod grasp on a crayon/marker
  • Jaymes will snip paper independently
  • Jaymes will imitate at least 5 letters of the alphabet using a crayon/marker
  • Jaymes will imitate at least 5 numbers using a crayon/marker
  • Jaymes will participate in group activites, rather than just tolerating them (singing, dancing, hand motions etc...)
  • Jaymes will recognize verbs that he does on a regular basis, (picture of eating, picture of bathing, picture of sleeping)
  • Jaymes will follow two step directions, Jaymes will attempt to follow three step directions
  • Jaymes will learn a potty routine (pants down, sit on potty, flush potty, pants up, wash hands)
  • Jaymes will alert an adult when he needs his diaper changed
Well, what do you guys think? Are any of these too stupid? would you re-word any of it? Is it too much, too little, just right?

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