Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jaymes makes some calls

A longer post will come tonight or tomorrow, but for now, enjoy these videos of Jaymesmaking some very important phone calls, very likely regarding the upcoming presidential election.


Kelley @ magneto bold too said...

Awwww. Wait till he starts calling random numbers!

I found Boo on the phone one morning. Turns out he called a couple of numbers on the radio. One to a local builder to build him a house and the other to a um, lets say, mens help line? You know THAT kinda help... nice.

~Michelle~ said...

Those are adorable. I love how in the bottom one, after it gets all tangled around his wrist, he hangs it up. There's days I feel like that at work!

Amber DBTD said...


Tell him to have a house built for us too, with stables behind. We'll be along shortly.

Plz bring cake, kthx.
